Street tegeta, Road nyuki road, Plot number 404 255759200670


Enhancing Gold Mining Excellence: Chemical Solutions by KBN GOLDRUSH Company

KBN GOLDRUSH Company is not just a leader in gold mining; we are also at the forefront of providing high-quality chemicals and solutions that elevate gold mining operations to new heights. Our comprehensive range of chemicals and expert guidance is designed to enhance the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of gold mining processes. Join us as we explore the pivotal role of chemical solutions in unlocking the full potential of gold mining.

The KBN GOLDRUSH Chemical Advantage

Tailored Solutions

We offer a wide array of chemicals specifically formulated to address the unique challenges faced in gold mining, from ore extraction to refining. Our experienced chemists work closely with mining operations to customise solutions that optimise efficiency.

Quality Assurance

At KBN GOLDRUSH Company, quality is non-negotiable. Our chemicals undergo stringent quality control processes to ensure they meet the highest industry standards, contributing to the reliability and consistency of your mining processes.

Safety and Environmental Responsibility

We prioritise the safety of your workforce and the environment. Our chemicals are developed with the utmost care to minimize environmental impact and protect human health throughout the mining process.

Technical Expertise

Our team of experts offers technical support and guidance to ensure that our chemical solutions are seamlessly integrated into your operations. We assist in troubleshooting, process optimization, and safety training.


We are committed to sustainable mining practices. Our chemicals are designed to minimize waste and environmental impact, aligning with our mission to protect the planet for future generations.

The Gold Mining Chemical Process

Ore Leaching

Chemical solutions are used to leach gold from ore, breaking down the ore's structure and separating the precious metal from impurities.


Specialized flotation agents are employed to separate gold-bearing minerals from other minerals, facilitating efficient concentration.


Chemicals like sodium cyanide are crucial in the gold extraction process, helping dissolve gold from ores and create gold-bearing solutions.


During the refining phase, chemicals are utilized to further purify the gold, removing any remaining impurities.

Environmental Management

Our chemicals also play a role in responsible tailings management and environmental rehabilitation, ensuring that your mining operation is as eco-friendly as possible.

Get In Touch

Street tegeta, Road nyuki road, Plot number 404, Block number 3


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